Monday, May 2, 2011

Fruit Pudding


1 package unflavoured agar-agar powder
1 fresh ripe mangoes, peeled, discard the pit and chopped
8 big strawberry, chopped (use 4 for cooking and other 4 for decoration)
80 gr sugar (you can add more sugar if you like sweet taste)
800 ml milk
200 ml mango juice
4 tablespoon orange jam
1 teaspoon corn starch


Mix all the ingredients in a medium pot. Bring to boil in a small heat and stir ocassionally until done. Remove from heat.And let it cold.

Wet jelly molds with water before using. Pour into prepared jelly molds. Cool down until set, unmold puddings, place on dessert plates.

Decorate it as you like!


Rujak is a hot, spicy fruit salad. You can make it from whatever combination of fruit and vegetables you like.

2 cucumbers, peeled and cut into half moons
1/2 pineapple, peeled and cut into chunks
2 mangoes, peeled and cut into slices
1 papaya, peeled and cut into slices

Sauce ingredients:
100g palm sugar
10g tamarind pulp, soaked in 1/2 cup warm water and strained
2 long red chillies
2 bird chillies
1/2 teaspoon terasi (shrimp paste)
1/2 teaspoon salt
Handful crushed roasted peanuts (optional)

Preparation method
1. Combine all the fruit and vegetables in a large bowl and set aside.

2. With a mortar and pestle, pound all the sauce ingredients into a smooth sauce. Pour over the fruit and vegetables. Sprinkle with peanuts and serve.



1 cup white glutinous rice (soak 2 hours)
1 cup water
1 cup palm sugar
3/4 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup water
a punch of salt
2 pandan leaves


Rinse the glutionus rice several times and soak at least 2 hours.

Put in the rice, 1 cup water and salt into a rice cooker and on the switch or you can use a non stick pot, occasionally stir and let it cook. Once it is cooked, stir to separate and let cool.

In a non stick pot, combine sugar and water, bring to boil, strain. Put back the syrup into the pot together with coconut milk, salt and pandan leaves. Keep stirring until thicken and bubbles appear on top. Discard the pandan leaves.

Now add the cooked rice, stir until rice fully coated by syrup and leaves side of pot.

Pour onto greased shallow tray and let cool.

When completely cool, slice as your desired shape and serve it.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Laurel liquor (Liquore all'alloro)

Laurel liquor is a homemade liquor that made from laurel leaves, sugar and alcohol.


1/2 l drinking alcohol
300 gr sugar
600 gr water
10 laurel leaves
1 sachet vanillin


Wash a 1-gallon glass jar and lid in hot, soapy water and dry thoroughly.

Wash the laurel leaves with water.

Place the laurel leaves in the prepared jar. Add the drinking alcohol and seal the jar. Allow the jar to rest for 10 days in a cool, dark place. Shaking it every 2 days to move the ingredients.

After 10 days, open the jar.

In a pan over medium heat, combine the water, sugar and vanillin . Stir until the sugar dissolves in a low heat. Allow the mixture to cool.

Strain the laurel leaves by using a cheesecloth . Discard the leaves, then slowly mix all the ingredients.

Now your laurel liquor is ready. Transfer it back into the jar or into several smaller bottles. Seal all the containers tightly.

The liquor does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, it is best to chill it before drinking.

Lemon Liquor (Limoncello)

Limoncello is an italian lemon liquor that made from lemon, liquor, and sugar. In italy, it is usually served after dinner.


1/2 l drinking alcohol
300 gr sugar
600 gr water
6 large thick skinned bright yellow lemons (without scars or flaws in the skin if possible.)
1 sachet vanillin


Wash a 1-gallon glass jar and lid in hot, soapy water and dry thoroughly.

Scrub the lemons in warm water and pat dry. Using a vegetable peeler, remove the peel from each lemon in wide strips. Be careful not to remove the white pith, which will impart a bitter flavor to the limoncello.

Place the lemon peels in the prepared jar. Add the drinking alcohol and seal the jar. Allow the jar to rest for 10 days in a cool, dark place. Shaking it every 2 days to move the ingredients.

After 10 days, open the jar.

In a pan over medium heat, combine the water, sugar and vanillin . Stir until the sugar dissolves in a low heat. Allow the mixture to cool.

Strain the lemon zest by using a cheesecloth . Discard the zest, then slowly mix all the ingredients.

Now your limoncello is ready. Transfer the limoncello back into the jar or into several smaller bottles. Seal all the containers tightly.

The limoncello does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, it is best to chill it before drinking.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ayam masak pakai darah (Ayam Gota)

Ini menu khas Batak.

1 kg Ayam, di potong potong.
Darah ayam, yang telah dicampur dengan 1 sdt Garam dan 2 buah Jeruk nipis, peras, ambil airnya saja. (bisa diganti dengan hati ayam)

Bumbu Halus:
15 gram Sereh, dipotong2 kecil, disangrai
20 gram Lengkuas, dipotong2 kecil, disangrai
10 gram Jahe, dipotong2 kecil, disangrai
15 gram Kunyit, potong2 kecil, disangrai
30 gram Bawang putih, sangrai
65 gram Bawang merah, sangrai
10-15 buah Cabe rawit (atau secukupnya), digiling (buang bijinya jika tidak ingin terlalu pedas)
50 gram Kemiri, disangrai, digiling
8 gram Ketumbar, disangrai, digiling
8 gram Andaliman, digiling (tidak perlu disangrai, buang ranting2 kecilnya)
1500 ml Air matang
1-1½ sdt Garam (sesuai selera)

Cara Membuat:
Blender semua bumbu hingga halus.
Panaskan air hingga mendidih. Masukkan bumbu halus, aduk rata.
Masukkan potongan ayam, rendam dengan bumbu. Biarkan selama ± 10-15 menit hingga kuah mengental. Tutup wajan dengan tutup panci (jika ada).
Beri garam. Aduk2, masak hingga matang. Matikan api.
Segera kucurkan darah ayam yang sudah digarami. Aduk hingga benar2 rata dan darah matang.

Agar Agar Jelly with coconut milk and Pandan Paste


1 pack of Agar-agar powder
4 cup cold water (1 l)
80 gram palm sugar
1 cup coconut milk
2 drops of pandan paste
1 egg

1. Heat palm sugar with 3 cups of water. When it became liquid put it a part.
2. Mix well agar-agar powder with a cup of water, pandan paste and egg. And put it a part.
3. Pour coconut milk in a sauce pan. Mix it with no. 1 and no. 2. Cooking it by stirring continuously and slowly in a small heat.
4.When appears the first bubble, means that your jelly is already boil. Remove it immediately from the heat.
5. Pour into pudding mold (wet the mold with water before using) or into cups. Let it stand until cold.
6.Store it in refrigerator before serving.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Black Grass Jelly Drink


200 grams black Grass Jelly cut into dice, and pour it with hot water
200 grams young coconut meat
200 grams brown sugar
400 ml of water
400 ml coconut milk
2 pandan leaves

How to make:

Boil brown sugar with water until it became liquid, separate it.
Cook milk with pandan leaves. When it has boiled, lift it.
Mix the brown sugar with coconut milk and add the black grass jelly. Put it in refrigerate until it became cold. When you serve mix with Ice block as neccesary.

Enjoy the freshner of your black grass jelly drink!

Beef Rendang

I still remember the sweet moment when I worked as a social worker in Nias island, North Sumatera (Indonesia). The sweet moment with my friends. Not only that but also all the exquisit food that I ate there. In nias (Gunungsitoli), there are so many Padang restaurant. One of my favorite food is rendang.

Beef Rendang


1 kilograms / 2 lbs beef tenderloin, cut into 1.5 x 2 inch cubes
2 litres/8.5 cups of coconut milk
1 tsp black pepper
2 tbsp serundeng (toasted coconut)
1 tbsp tamarind pulp (soaked in some warm water for the juice and discard the seeds )
salt to taste
sugar to taste

Spice paste:
10 cloves garlic
20 shallots
2 inches ginger
100 grams/ 3.5 ounces ground chilli
1 tablespoon coriander
1 teaspoon cumin
5 kaffir lime leaves (finely sliced)
6 Salam leaves (Indonesian bay leaves)
3 turmeric leaves (finely slices)
3 lemongrass (white part only)
1 inch galangal
3 star anise


Chop the spice paste ingredients and then blend it in a food processor until fine.
Heat the coconut milk and spice paste to boil and stir occasionally.
Add beef, tamarind juice, black pepper, toasted coconut, salt and sugar on medium heat, stirring frequently.
Lower the heat to low, cover the lid, and simmer for 2 - 2.5 hours or until most of the liquid has evaporated the meat is really tender.
Season with additional salt and sugar if its needed. It is usually served with rice since it is quite spicy and tasty, and the rice will help tone down the spice a bit. Happy Cooking!


If its possible cooked with wood fire. Wood fire will produce a very good aroma of rendang.
Do not use slow cooker since slow cooker help very little to evaporate the liquid.
Stirring constantly to prevent burning.
Always use fresh ingredients to bring up the aroma.
Do not use instant rendang spice as short cut.
Star anise is the key for bringing up the aroma of authentic rendang flavor.
Heat up rendang over the time will develop rendang complex taste and flavor.